71st edition

 Miss World moves Dec pageant to March 2024

By Earl D.C. Bracamonte

Like a deja vu from the Puerto Rico finals, the Miss World Organization moved its December coronation night to March 2, 2024. The advisory was emailed to all national directors. 

The 71st edition of the supposed annual competition was postponed due to the elections happening in New Delhi. It makes sense that the new administration assume office before the pageant takes place.

Contestants are expected to arrive in New Delhi by February 3rd in time for the sashing ceremonies and pre-pageant challenges. Winners from the various challenges will be fast-tracked to the semifinal round.

The winner and her court may be staying behind for a few days after the crowning moment, but all other delegates will depart for their respective home countries by March 3rd.

With this new "trend" of changing pageant dates, it would be wise for the Miss World Philippines organization to select a younger winner in the national search. So that she stays within the prescribed age limit and not age out from the competition.

Twice moved from its final show dates - first in May and then in December, the new Miss World 2023 pageant will unfold in New Delhi, India on March 2, 2024. Stay tuned!


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