Eye Mo

 Enhancing eye health

By Earl D.C. Bracamonte 

Our eyes are the 'windows of the soul. It is one of the most important parts of the human body. Dry eye disease (DED) occurs whenever moisture in the eyes is not sufficient, or the loss of homeostasis occurs in the ocular surface. This has become an unnoticed epidemic. Eye health, after all, is integral to overall wellbeing. Yet, of the total number of those suffering from Dry Eye Disease, only 20% seek treatment.

"In the Philippines, one out of five people experience dry eye disease due to lengthy exposure to computer monitors/screens, prolonged use of electronic gadgets, and/or frequent exposure to air-conditioned areas. Dry eye disease is a risk factor in menopausal women, wherein 8 out of 10 suffer from the disease; especially those wearing contact lenses.

"Cases of dry eye disease include 'sandy' or gritty eyes, tired/fatigued eyes,  and/or a ' burning sensation in the eyes, like they were on fire. Hypromellose is the first line of treatment, and the first aid that's readily available over the counter. You need to follow your doctor's advice. Have your eyes checked, too, so conditions can be ascertained, and a line of treatment be given out in the earliest time possible.

"Nagluluha ang mata because our eyes try to water down the dryness. The ocular surface disease index is an evaluation for Dry Eye Disease. It also shows if your condition is predisposed to infection and sore eyes," shared opthalmologist Dr. Jennifer Joy Santos-Rayos.

"Part of our initiative is educating consumers about this vital organ of the human body; before it is too late. We are preventive in approach. If left untreated, dry eye disease can result in serious consequences," intimated Weitarsa Hendarto, director of international operations for PT Combiphar. Their headquarters has been based in Jakarta since 1991.

PT Combiphar is present in 22 countries, including Asia, Latin Amerca (Mexico) and Africa. They have also been helping in building brands since 1991. "This is more than a campaign. It is a call to action. Actor Ken Chan, who has been our brand ambassador since 2020, is helping us in this initiative," he added. 

Eye Mo is a trusted brand in most Filipino homes for five decades now. 


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